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Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion

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Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion (IEMHP) is a national organization which improves outcomes across the lifespan through translating and promoting the science of early mental health into practice with families during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood.

IEMHP is a national organization which improves outcomes across the lifespan through translating and promoting the science of early mental health into practice with families during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood.

Infographic that shows that IMHP informs policy and builds capacity through: 1) Leadership, advocacy, learning and resources, 2) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 3) Understanding importance of science and experience; 4) Sharing knowledge to build capacity, and 5) Relationships and Collaboration as a foundation

IEMHP informs policy and practice and builds capacity by working closely with organizations and communities across Canada. IEMHP is actively involved in the implementation and evaluation of a unique developmental support planning intervention model in communities across the country.

The program was formed in 1988 in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry and is now housed within the Learning Institute.

IEMHP is headed by Director Dr. Chaya Kulkarni, BAA, M.Ed., EdD

Key Resources

Contact IEMHP

Phone: 416-813-7654
For learning/training inquiries, email:
For Expanding Horizons 2025 inquiries, email:

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