
As part of the Garry Hurvitz Centre for Brain & Mental Health, the Psychology Department provides consultation, assessment, diagnosis, treatment recommendations and interventions for children and adolescents up to the age of 18 who are being treated at SickKids for primary medical and psychiatric conditions.
The SickKids Psychology Department only accepts referrals from internal SickKids physicians and staff. If you would like a referral, please speak to a member of your SickKids care team.
Through the integration of clinical care, research and training and education, the Psychology department at SickKids uses evidence-based approaches to address the complex developmental, medical and personal needs of patients.
What we do
SickKids Psychology provides a variety of psychological services to address complex patient needs. Examples of specialized psychological services include:
- Providing evidence-based therapy for issues related to health conditions and their management
- Assessing and diagnosing neuropsychological disorders in children with a variety of developmental and/or medical conditions
- Providing individual or group interventions to promote healthy coping for patients and caregivers
Programs and services
SickKids Psychology provides care to families across Ontario and beyond. To help us provide psychological services that transcend geography, we use a hybrid model in which both virtual and in-hospital appointments are offered as appropriate for the family and the nature of service.
Please note: psychology services are available for SickKids patients who belong to specific hospital programs.
There are four main categories of psychology services at SickKids, explained in detail below.
Comprehensive assessment of cognitive and academic skills to provide insight into the potential impact of a patient’s medical condition and/or treatment on brain functioning. Recommendations are made to assist with educational planning and medical management.
Support and intervention services for patients and families who are struggling to cope with diagnosis or treatment-related issues.
Assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic interventions for children with mental health diagnoses including anxiety disorders and mood disorders.
- Consultation with members of the patient care team regarding psychological issues impacting treatment.
- Consultation with schools and other community agencies about developmental, behavioural and learning issues.
Who we are
The Department of Psychology is home to Neuropsychologists, Health Psychologists, Psychometrists, research staff and students/trainees in various stages of graduate study.
We use evidence-based approaches to provide clinical services, which are enhanced by the integration of research and training [anchor]. Our family-centred model of care considers and respects the diversity of the families we serve with respect to language, culture, level of function, gender identity, medical and trauma history.
Our training programs are central to our department and include trainees at the practicum, residency and fellowship levels. We value the insights and dedication of our trainees and value supervision, as reflected by our biannual mentorship award.
Leadership Team:
Dr. Elizabeth Dettmer, PhD, C. Psych., Interim Director, Psychology
Lindsay Wilson, MHA; Interim Operations Manager of Collaborative Professional Practice (Psychology and Social Work)
Director of Clinical Training:
Dr. Hannah Gennis, PhD, C. Psych.

The Psychology Department adopts a scientist-practitioner model that integrates clinical care with research. In addition to our group of full-time research staff, many of our clinicians are also actively involved in research – both as independent investigators and as members of multi-disciplinary teams.
Our Psychologists are involved in a variety of SickKids Research Institute programs.

The Psychology Department consists of highly qualified and experienced training faculty, all of whom are dedicated to training. You can expand the sections below to explore a variety of training opportunities offered by the department.
Residents (3) gain experience with children and youth who present with mental health issues related to congenital, perinatal, or acquired medical conditions. The overall goal is to prepare residents for the varied demands of professional practice in psychology – skills that are readily transferable to a wide range of community settings.
To apply to this opportunity, refer to the Predoctoral Residency Brochure (PDF).
The full-year predoctoral residency program was initially accredited with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) in 2001. It was most recently accredited by the CPA for a 6-year term (2023/2024 until 2029/2030).
CPA Office of Accreditation
Canadian Psychological Association
141 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J3
Download the CPA Accreditation Public Disclosure Statistics regarding applications and admissions at SickKids (PDF)
Health & Clinical Psychology: The hospital is dedicated to developing greater mental health equity in accordance with SickKids’ core values of compassion, integrity, collaboration, inclusion, innovation, and excellence. Towards that end, the Department of Psychology is accepting applications to a health and clinical psychology fellowship for applicants whose education includes masters’ level training in psychology, who are interested in specializing their training with a focus in paediatric psychology, and who have experience working with diverse and/or marginalized populations.
To apply for this opportunity, review our Health & Clinical Brochure (PDF).
Our program has been a member of the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN) since 2008. The two-year fellowship adheres to a scientist-practitioner model and training prepares fellows for independent practice in paediatric neuropsychology, registration with the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO), and board certification through the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN). We are recruiting two new fellows for the 2025–2027 training cycle.
To apply for this opportunity, review our Neuropsychology Fellowship Brochure (PDF) and complete the Neuropsychology Fellowship application (.doc) by January 3, 2025.
Paediatric Psychology
As one of the fastest growing subspecialties in psychology today, paediatric psychology offers clinicians the opportunity to work in partnership with a wide range of professionals to enhance children’s health and well-being at the intersection of mind and body. There are two 1-year fellowships available.
To apply for this opportunity, review our Paediatric Psychology Fellowship Brochure (PDF).
Research Fellowships
Postdoctoral fellows focusing on experimental and/or clinical research are at times available through the department. Arrangements are made on an individual basis with the Psychology supervisor and are dependent upon research funding. These positions, when available, are posted through our SickKids Careers site.
The practicum program is for graduate students who are in the earlier stages of their training. SickKids accepts approximately 5–8 students a year with a focus on assessment or intervention. Practicum placements typically run two days per week from September to April, or four days per week from May to August.
To apply for this opportunity, review the Practicum Placements Brochure (PDF).
Contact Psychology
Phone: 416-813-6784
Fax: 416-813-8839
Psychology Scheduler: 416-813-7015
Psychology Scheduler Email:
The Hospital for Sick Children
Psychology Department, 6th Floor Black Wing
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Training and education contacts
Practicum Placements:
Predoctoral Residency:
Postdoctoral Fellowship:
- Neuropsychology
- Health Psychology