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555 University Avenue, 6th Floor, Atrium, Ward 6D

The Division of Pediatric Urology specializes in surgical and medical issues related to the kidneys, bladder and genitalia. Our team does a full range of surgical services spanning the spectrum of acquired and congenital urogenital conditions, including renal transplantation and comprehensive paediatric urological cancer care.  

An interdisciplinary approach

Paediatric urological problems may require investigation beyond a clinical visit, as complexities of diagnosis may range from the most simple to the rarest and challenging. As a result, there is a strong relationship between Paediatric Urology and other medical disciplines (egnephrology, oncology, endocrinology, genetics), surgical colleagues (eg. gynaecology, paediatric surgery), and in particular with radiology (diagnostic imaging and image guided therapy). We will work together to provide the best care for your child! 

Sensitive care

We strive to provide state of the art management for all urogenital conditions, taking into account the behavioural and psychosocial aspects of each child and each problem. This approach acknowledges the often sensitive and personal aspects of each patient and his/her problem, allowing for an individualized approach using patient and family based care.  

Working together with you, our patients and families, we in Paediatric Urology at SickKids strive to give your child the normal, happy and healthy life they deserve. 

What we do

SickKids is a world leader in Paediatric Urology care. We manage medical and surgical care of the entire urological and genital systems for both boys and girls from infancy to adolescence. Paediatric Urologists specialize in surgical problems of the kidneys, the bladder and the genitalia. 

The Urology Clinic is the main site for delivery of all facets of clinical urology care to children and their families. The Paediatric Urology Clinic is staffed with doctors, experienced specialty urology nurses, nurse practitioners and clinical surgical associates with expertise in children's urology. Patients may be seen by a Nurse Practitioner, a staff physician or a Fellow. 

Integrated support from other key areas such as Diagnostic Imaging and Social Work form a vital part of the paediatric urology clinic experience. The Multidisciplinary Urogenital Clinics also take place in our clinic area on the fifth floor of the Atrium. 

Programs and services

We specialize in the following conditions, tests and procedures:

  • Bladder problems - ureteral reimplants, urinary tract infections, etc. 
  • Bladder control, bladder procedures - bed-wetting, bladder augmentation, etc. 
  • Catheters - tube insertion, cleaning, etc. 
  • Genital conditions and procedures - circumcision, hypospadias, etc. 
  • Groin, scrotum and testicles - hernia, orchidopexy, etc. 
  • Kidney procedures - pyeloplasty, nephrectomy, etc. 
  • Tests - flow rate, voiding, urodynamics, cystoscopy, etc. 

Expand the next section for a list of our associated clincs.

Programs and services offered through the Urology Division include:

Read more about what is offered at SickKids, through the AboutKidsHealth Urology Learning Hub.

Clinic visits at home

Did you know that it is possible to visit the Urology clinic from the comfort and convenience of your own home? All you need is a laptop, tablet or your personal computer!

This is accomplished through the Ontario Telemedicine Network. Visit the OTN's Patient Link to see how it works. 

Here are some helpful links and resources to help get you started: 

Who we are

Our staff surgeons specialize in an array of clinical areas and are involved in a number of research activities: 

  • Treatment of hypospadias and complex anomalies of the genitalia 
  • Vesicoureteral Reflux 
  • Hydronephrosis including ureteropelvic junction obstruction, ureterocele, ectopic ureter, multicystic dysplastic kidney 
  • Surgery for undescended testicles and abnormalities of the groin and scrotum (hernia, hydrocele, undescended testes, masses) 
  • Exstrophy-epispadias complex 
  • Minimal invasive surgery (MIS) and MIS and laparo-endoscopic surgery used in urologic procedures 
  • Surgical correction of complex neurogenic, traumatic and structural incontinence conditions 
  • Surgical management of end-stage renal disease/renal transplantation 
  • Fertility preservation potential in children 
  • Paediatric oncology including Wilms Tumour, testes tumour, and rhabdomyosarcoma of the genital urinary tract 
  • population health clinical pediatric urological research 
  • development of artificial intelligence approaches assist pediatric urologic management 
  • cell & molecular biology, and epigenetics of benign urologic disease 
  • large and diverse advanced clinical fellowship in pediatric urology, with integrated live and web-based teaching curriculum 

Key staff

Division Head:

Dr. Armando Lorenzo

Head, Division of Urology  

Department of Surgery 

More SickKids Urology staff are detailed in the sections below.

Dr. Darius Bagli

Pediatric Urology Fellowship Program Director, Division of Urology  

Department of Surgery 


Dr. Michael Chua

Staff, Division of Urology  

Department of Surgery

Dr. Joana Dos Santos

Medical Urologist, Division of Urology 

Department of Paediatrics


Dr. Frank Papanikolaou

Staff, Division of Urology  

Department of Surgery

Dr. Pippi Salle

Staff, Division of Urology  

Department of Surgery

Dr. Rodrigo Romao

Staff, Division of Urology  

Department of Surgery

Fellows are fully licensed Urologists.  They are selected to obtain specialized experience in the treatment of paediatric urology disorders.

  • Natasha Brownrigg, MN, NP-Peds, Unit 6D – Urology Ambulatory Care Clinic
  • Mandy Rickard, MN, NP-Peds, Unit 6D – Urology Ambulatory Care Clinic
  • Abby Varghese, RN, NP-Peds, Unit 6D – Urology Ambulatory Care Clinic

  • Barbara Pannozzo Unit 6D – Urology Ambulatory Care Clinic

  • Katie Baker, Unit 6D – Urology Ambulatory Care Clinic

  • Noreen Goraya, MSW, RSW, Department of Social Work, Division of Urology 

6D Clinical Booking Staff

Esme Pombo
Darcy Aranza
Shantelle Frater

Surgical Booking Staff

Tanya Carpentier
Davika Ram
Alia Ali 

Academic Administrative Staff

Christine Hays
Education Coordinator Fellowship Program, Residency Program, Medical Students and Observers 

Stephen Pennycooke 
Departmental Administrative Assistant to Drs. Bagli, Chua, Dos Santos and Lorenzo

Lisa Abreu 
Supervisor, Administrative Services 


Fellows are clinicians who have completed their specialist training in either General Urology or General Paediatric Surgery, and are now adding to their training by spending dedicated time in Paediatric Urology. Although they are all experienced clinicians, in order to enhance their knowledge and expertise specific to Pediatric Urology they are supervised and supported by the staff Urologists of the Division in certain decision making and patient management. Your child/family is likely to encounter fellows at all stages of your care: in the Emergency Department, at your clinic appointment, at your OR appointment, and in the ward during your admission. 


Residents are licensed medical doctors training to be urologists. During their intensive training, residents work at different hospitals associated with the University of Toronto. 

Nurse Practitioners

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses with additional education at the Masters level, advanced clinical experience and certified by exam through the College of Nurses of Ontario.  NPs can independently diagnose medical conditions, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and prescribe medication and other treatments.   

The NPs in our pediatric urology clinic work independently to provide safe and thorough medical care to all pediatric urology patients. They are especially valuable when managing those patients with chronic complex conditions to provide a consistent family-centered approach to achieving patient satisfaction. 

Flow Coordinator

A Flow Coordinator supports the medical team in providing care for patients, partnering with the patient and their family to coordinate all aspects of care and guides the flow through clinic from check-in to check-out. 

Our Flow Coordinator will check you in upon arrival to clinic.  Will take the patient's vital signs, perform non-invasive diagnostics (flowrates and bladder scans) if needed, assist with procedures, provide families with test information, offer surgical pre-op teaching, and book follow-up appointments. 

Child Life Specialist

A Child Life Specialist provides therapeutic play programs designed to reduce stress and help patients cope with hospitalization. They help prepare children for medical and surgical procedures and much more. 

Social Worker

A Social Worker can provide you with guidance on community resources with respect to accommodations, interpreter services, government agencies and forms and much more.   

Dozens of blood samples with red, orange and purple lids

Research activities

Several of our surgeons lead innovative and leading research programs in the areas of: 

  • Cellandmolecular biology and epigenetics of benign urologic disease, genital development, and tissue repair. This research is focused on bladder muscle biology, cell matrix biology, stem cells, and tissue injury and repair. The work is inspired by "translational research," taking basic research from the lab to the clinical arena. 
  • Epidemiologyand population health science in children’s urologic conditions.  

These efforts have received peer-reviewed funding by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)Kidney Foundation of Canada (KFoC), and National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as by the Hospital, and by generous support from our patient and family communities. 

From paper to practice, our renowned physicians and research scientists provide the foundation for excellence in the field of Paediatric Urology.  

Current research at the SickKids Division of Urology 

Expand the sections below to learn more about our basic and clinical research initiatives.  

Basic research
  • Molecular biology of bladder smooth muscle function, differentiation, de-differentiation and overgrowth 
  • Epigenetic mechanisms regulating bladder smooth muscle cell phenotype and function 
  • The epigenetic basis of host urothelial responses to urinary tract infection, particularly as a potential marker for recurrent UTI 
  • The epigenetic / environmental basis of genital maldevelopment 
  • Cell matrix biology 
Clinical research
  • Outcomes analysis and clinical epidemiology 
  • Management of Wilms Tumour 
  • Vesicoureteral reflux, Posterior Valves, and Hypospadias 
  • Use of botulinum toxin in bladder dysfunction 
  • Quality and Patient Safety 

In addition the Division is exploring pioneering efforts to develop Artificial Intelligence tools to address large datasets in hydronephrosis, hypospadias, and testicular pathology.   

For further information, please contact our Director of Research, Dr. Darius Bagli, MDCM.

Research Registry: How you can help!

At SickKids Urology, we have a very good understanding of how to treat many problems in the urologic system of children. However, the reason that most of these problems occur to begin with is almost entirely unknown.  

We are constantly searching for even better ways to improve urology diagnosis and treatment. In order to do that, we must study and review the medical information of thousands of children just like your child in order to reach this goal, and answer the basic question ‘Why do urology conditions happen’? 

You can help our researchers make advancements in their field by participating in the Paediatric Urology Research Registry (PURR) - PDF. 

Empty lecture hall of 15 rows and a speaking podium

Education and training opportunities

Expand the sections below to read about educational offerings through SickKids Urology!

We are affiliated with the University of Toronto and are actively engaged in the training of postgraduate medical learners, including fellows, residents, medical students as well as graduate students.  

All Education and Training inquiries for the Division of Urology can be sent to the Education Administrative Coordinator, at

You can read more categorized education information, including application processes and requirements below. 

Interested applicants are invited to join us for our Virtual Open House on Friday, Feb. 14 at 5:30 p.m. EST. 

Register in advance for this meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We are pleased to host interviews for January and July 2026 openings, virtually on May 15 and 16, 2025. All shortlisted candidates will be contacted closer to the dates to schedule an interview time.  

The deadline for all 2026 applications is Monday Feb. 17, 2025. Applications received after this date will be added for 2027 openings. 

Our fellowship program is the only North American program outside of the United States (US) where "fully trained" RCPSC Board Certified Canadian and ABU Board Eligible or Certified urologists are accepted to train for two further years, in order to be eligible for the American Board of Urology (ABU) Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in Paediatric Urology. 

This is a highly competitive position where a graduate urologist from a Canadian or US accredited residency program is selected for a further two years of training to gain additional expertise in paediatric urology. Our program also offers training in paediatric uro-oncology and renal transplantation.

Our 2-year clinical fellowship is now also officially accredited by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada as an Area of Focused Competency (AFC) Program. Our unique and specialized training program provides Fellows with an opportunity to acquire an internationally recognized credential — the Diploma of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (DRCPSC). The first year of the program is primarily clinical, with the second year being a hybrid year of clinical and research catered around the long term goals and career planning of each fellow

A match process is conducted by the American Urological Association (AUA) and allows applicants and potential programs to be paired with one another. For more information on the MATCH process please visit the AUA website.

Research Fellowship 

The Division of Urology offers a post-residency research fellowship to candidates who intend to pursue a career in academic urology. This program provides an opportunity for fellows to conduct clinical and/or basic science research in areas related to pediatric urology while working under the guidance of a research mentor. Please refer to our list of staff physicians for details on our team’s individual research interests. It is expected that the fellow will participate in the design, planning, and conduct of the research. While past research experience is not a requirement, it is desirable. Applicants are encouraged to secure funding to improve their opportunity of obtaining a research fellowship. Research fellowships can range from six months to two years. Must be fully funded. 

Clinical Fellowship

Our clinical fellowship is two years in length and is officially accredited by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada as an Area of Focused Competency (AFC) Program. Our unique and specialized training program provides Fellows with an opportunity to acquire an internationally recognized credential — the Diploma of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (DRCPSC). This role is primarily clinical.

Clinical Research Fellowship

Research/clinical fellowships generally start for the first three to six months as solely research (see research fellowship description above), but with the opportunity to take on a clinical portion once the fellow has fully integrated into the division and has demonstrated some key clinical strengths needed.  Fellows will then have up to 20% of their time devoted to patient care activities to help maintain their clinical skills. Must be fully funded. 

Medical Urology Fellowship

The Division of Urology is pleased to announce the launch of the world's inaugural Medical Pediatric Urology Fellowship. This specialized program, tailored for pediatricians, offers comprehensive training in the clinical management of urological conditions. These conditions may be potentially surgical but require thorough clinical oversight in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The scope includes managing complex neurogenic bladder, congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract, bladder and bowel dysfunction, renal stones, hematuria, pre- and post-transplant urological care, uro-oncology, and office-based procedures such as neonatal circumcision and meatotomy. The 1-year program is primarily clinical, with an expectation that participants will undertake a research project and submit it for publication by the end of their training.

Joint Urology Fellowship

The inaugural Joint Fellowship in Pediatric Urology, Adult Reconstructive, and Functional Urology, offered through the Division of Urology at SickKids, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and the University Health Network, provides a robust and dynamic training environment. This specialized program focuses on developing clinical and surgical expertise in urological care across paediatric, adolescent, and adult populations. The fellowship spans 2 to 3 years and is structured to deliver in-depth training in various aspects of urology.

In the first year, fellows dedicate their time at SickKids, gaining experience in paediatric urology, with a particular emphasis on adolescent and transitional care, including neuro-urology and reconstructive surgeries. The second part of the fellowship includes 6 to 9 months at Sunnybrook, where fellows engage in adult reconstructive urology, learning the most advanced surgical techniques. Additionally, 3 to 6 months at Toronto Western Hospital offers specialized training in functional urology, particularly in voiding dysfunction and neurogenic bladder care. Throughout the fellowship, participants are involved in a wide range of surgical procedures, including reconstructive and functional surgeries for both pediatric and adult patients. Fellows are expected to actively contribute to research projects, culminating in publications and presentations at academic conferences.

This program provides a global perspective on healthcare, welcoming international medical graduates (IMGs) who are board-certified in their home countries. This creates an enriching multicultural environment that enhances collaborative learning and research. Fellows will build an extensive professional network through interactions with world-renowned faculty, peers, and collaborators from diverse backgrounds.

The program also offers flexibility, allowing fellows to tailor their training according to individual interests, whether in pediatric urology, adult reconstructive procedures, or functional urology. The fellowship provides not only hands-on surgical training but also mentorship from leading professionals in the field, helping fellows prepare for leadership roles in academic urology and clinical practice. This fellowship is particularly unique due to its strong focus on transitional urology, addressing the critical shift in patient care as pediatric patients transition into adulthood.

Application Deadlines & Requirements

Our Fellowship Application can now be completed online. Please follow the link below to apply for one of our fellowship programs:

Apply Now!

Applications are due at least eight months prior to the anticipated start date. You must first complete our Online Application Form. Please ensure that you have the following documents included with your application submission: 

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Letter of Intent
  3. Three letters of reference (can be mailed in after application is submitted)

Once your application is submitted, received and reviewed, short listed applicants will be contacted for more information and to set up an interview.  

For further information please contact our department: 

Fellowship Program Director 


Fellowship Program Coordinator 
Christine Hays 

Thank you for considering the Division of Urology at SickKids for your fellowship opportunity. We look forward to reviewing your application!


  • Catalina Sanchez
  • Maria Camila Moreno Bencardino
  • Omar Aljarallah


  • Kay Rivera


  • Dheidan Alshammari
  • Margarita Chancy


  • Marisol Lolas
  • Thomas De los Reyes
  • Priyank Yadav


  • Daniel Keefe
  • Abdulrahman Alsabban
  • Tomer Erlich


  • Karen Milford
  • Keara De Cotiis


  • Fadi Zubi
  • Anne-Sophie Blais


  • Nicholas Fernandez
  • Jessica Hannick


  • Michael Chua
  • Jessica Ming


  • Frank J. Penna
  • Linda Lee


  • Paul Bowlin
  • Fahad Alyami


  • Joseph Gleason
  • Annette Schroder


  • Niki Kanaroglou
  • Elias Wehbi


  • Rodrigo Romao
  • Victor Figueroa


  • Bryce Weber


  • Kristin Kozakowski
  • Angus Alexander


  • Katherine Moore
  • Bruno Leslie


  • Kurt Eeg
  • Majid Al-Mandil


  • Luis Braga
  • Sumit Dave


  • Chad Wallis
  • Armando Lorenzo


  • Lisa Cartwright
  • Anthony Cook


  • Kourosh Afshar
  • Frank Papanikolaou


  • John Hodapp
  • Sarel Halachmi


  • Stephane Bolduc
  • Jyoti Upadhyay


  • Daniel Herz
  • Ashraf Hafez


  • Pramod Reddy
  • Diego Barreieras


  • Jeff Pugach
  • JP Capolicchio


  • Byron Joyner


  • John Van Savage


  • Richard Abramson


  • Venkata Jayanthi


  • Robert Steckler

Contact Urology

The Urology Clinic is located on the 6th floor, Atrium, Ward 6D. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can use the Atrium elevators (near the Terrace Cafe cafeteria) and exit at the fifth floor toward the windows with the walrus and the turtle. 

Phone: 416-813-6661 


If you are calling to inquire about  your child’s referral from your family doctor or preliminary consultation clinic appointment, please dial: 416-813-6661.

Press #1 - Referral Information or email

Press #2 – Booking Office (no voicemail) or email 

Press #3 – Nursing or email 

If you are calling to inquire about your child’s surgery please contact the Urology Surgical Booking Department: 


Urology Clinic, 6th Floor- Ward 6D

555 University Ave

Toronto, Ontario

M5G 1X8  

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